XXIV Annual Meeting DG-GT

German Society for Gene Therapy

Several developments in human gene therapy, genome editing and cancer immunotherapy have achieved scientific breakthroughs in the last few years and were successfully translated into the clinic.

At the XXIVth Annual Meeting of the German Society for Gene Therapy (DG-GT) in Freiburg on September  26-28, 2018, top researchers from all over the world will present their latest results and their cutting-edge developments in cell and gene therapy. The conference will have a special focus on the technological advances made in iPS-derived cell therapies and genome editing as well as the preclinical and clinical implementation of therapeutic approaches to treat immunodeficiencies, infectious diseases and cancer.

Toni Cathomen from CARAT partner UKL-FR will be organizing this conference.

Deadline for abstract submission: May 6, 2018

More information is available here.
